a Professional Service from HUB Ocean

Offshore industries have an environmental data challenge. Our professional solutions simplify and transform complex ocean data management.

Ocean Data Harmonized

Are you creating the most value and impact from your ocean data?

Our people and platform streamline and transform complex ocean data management, ensuring your data is ready for reporting, operational efficiency, and impactful sharing.

HUB Ocean is your go-to PARTNER for Ocean data    


Sandy Spørck

Former SVP Sustainability and Quality at PGS

We hope to inspire other companies to get involved in sharing data to support SDG14. The Ocean is our working environment and taking care of it is not only a priority, but our way to contribute to sustainable seas.

Offshore industries have an environmental data challenge

Many offshore industries struggle to manage their ocean data effectively, impacting their ability to address critical questions about their environmental impact and associated risks. This inefficiency stems from the complex task of integrating and ensuring interoperability within the broader ocean data landscape, which demands specialized expertise.

Additionally, many organizations lack the necessary knowledge and resources to manage and share this valuable data effectively, hindering advancements in both ocean science and business opportunities.

Long and costly lead time to get from data to insights

The time spent on ocean data management to support reporting, operational, and sharing use can be long and costly.

Inaction in Filling Critical Knowledge Gaps

Companies are struggling filling critical ocean knowledge gaps which could be benefitting both ocean science and industry themself. Those that succeed often go unrecognized.

Read our report on the challenge

Take advantage of HUB Ocean's unique experience to overcome the challenge

Ocean data experts building and operating an 
advanced ocean data platform

Unique Expertise

Experience in the intersection between
industry & science

Deep understanding of the ocean data
landscape and trends

Gain an increased understanding of how your ocean data can fill knowledge gaps

Creating Value

Efficiently access your own and relevant 3rd party ocean data from a standardized data foundation

Make relevant data accessible for science in FAIR formats to support your sustainability goals

Our service

Our Ocean Data Harmonized service streamlines ocean data management, allowing industries to spend less time on data handling and more time on deep environmental analysis and insights for reporting, operations, and impactful data sharing.

Data Advisory

  • We advice on ocean data standards and meta data strategies
  • We identify impactful ocean data and use cases
  • We advice on ocean data standards and meta data strategies

Data Transformation

  • We transform and harmonize ocean data for efficient reporting, operational and sharing use.

Impactfull Sharing

  • We publish agreed data to the Ocean Data Platform.
  • We can distribute to global data repositories.

A trusted ocean data partner for industry

Pioneering environmental monitoring and ocean data management in offshore wind


Ecowende, a joint venture between Shell and Eneco, aims to create the most sustainable wind farm yet. Winning the Hollandse Kust West lot VI tender, their proposal highlighted unique ecological innovations, data transparency, and included HUB Ocean for their commitment.


Holladse Kust West, lot VI, NL


From 2024

Data Type

Ecological data


Offshore wind


The platform that HUB Ocean has built, will help Ecowende draw a picture of the data in a wider sense, creating relations between different wind farms and making data more valuable for us and others.

– Hermione van Zutphen, Ecology Program Manager, Ecowende


HUB Ocean transformed 15 years of PGS data captured during surveys off the shore of Brazil. The PGS-HUB Ocean partnership harnesses industry ocean data to advance scientific understanding, mitigate negative impacts on the environment, and bring positive value to the scientific community and PGS operations.




From 2008

Data Type

Marine Mammal Observations, CTD, ADCP


Energy Geoscience


This collaborative effort has the potential to significantly enhance our models in the future, as the more data we have, the broader our understanding can be.

– Laura Viana, Environmental Manager at PGS

Harnessing industrial data to advance ocean science and bring value to business operations

Unlocking 10 years-worth of industrial acoustic krill data for better governance in the Southern Ocean


Norwegian krill fishing company Aker BioMarine has shared a compilation of echosounder data gathered over the past 10 years of the company’s fishing missions to the southern ocean.


Holladse Kust West, lot VI, NL


From 2011

Data Type

Ecological data


Offshore wind


Normally, surveys happen once a year and you get a single snapshot of a very small area. Now we have access to many years of data covering the entire fishing area for the Antarctic krill.

Sebastian Menze, Postdoctoral researcher, Norwegian IMR

Contact us to learn more

A photo of Johannes Berrum

Industry Lead