C4IR Ocean to advise the UN on ocean data

Gry Ulverud to advise the United Nations on Ocean Data

Senior executive Gry Ulverud has been chosen to participate in the UN Data Coordination Group for the Decade of Ocean, chosen among more than 130 nominees.


2021 marked the kick-off of the UN Decade for Ocean Science. Supported by all UN members states, this milestone initiative will work for a cleaner, more productive, better understood and safer ocean. The Decade’s success relies on the joint efforts of governments, scientists, civil society, business and industry. To get the ocean we need, the digitization, sharing, and management of data, information and digital knowledge are essential.

‘‘Over the last years, C4IR Ocean has worked systematically to build up the Ocean Data Platform as a data sharing tool that can support the Decade for Ocean Science. We are therefore thrilled and honored to be selected among more than 130 nominees to sit in the Data Coordination Group for the Decade of Ocean,” said C4IR Ocean’s acting CEO Gry Ulverud.

The C4IR Ocean will be represented by senior executive Gry Ulverud as one of three representatives from Norwegian organizations and enterprises. From Sintef Ocean, Ute Brönner will participate. From the Norwegian Mapping Authority, Evert Flier will participate. The group, consisting of 25 experts from government, science, NGOs and industry globally, will:

  • Provide advice to the UN on the implementation of the data, information and knowledge actions contained in the Ocean Decade Implementation Plan.

  • Coordinate efforts between key actors in the ocean data and information domain needed to develop the “digital ecosystem”.

The group has already started their work and decided to have ocean management as an overarching goal for their work. A roadmap for the data coordination group will be established early 2022.

For more information, contact:

Vigdis Hvaal, Communication Director, C4IR Ocean

Tel: +47 952 00 932

E-mail: vigdis.hvaal@oceandata.earth


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