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HUB Ocean at COP28!

Join our event at COP28 where we dive into the sea of data and practical actions

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Philipp Chernenko Philipp Chernenko

Vidar Helgesen is new Executive Secretary of UNESCO’s IOC

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Philipp Chernenko Philipp Chernenko

HUB Ocean on the Mapscaping Podcast

Our Product and Data Science Lead Tara Zeynep Baris was a guest on Daniel O'Donohue’s “Mapscaping Podcast”, one of the best podcasts in the geospatial genre. Tara talked through what we at HUB Ocean are doing and what challenges our Ocean Data Platform will solve. Here is the transcription of this podcast.

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Philipp Chernenko Philipp Chernenko

Accenture Interns at HUB Ocean

This summer, we are excited to have a team of Accenture interns working alongside us to harness the power of AI. The aim of their project is to make it easier to find, ingest, explore and gain insights from data using Generative AI.

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Philipp Chernenko Philipp Chernenko

HUB Ocean + DNB’s ESG Data Hub

ESG Data Hub aims to be DNB’s centralised, cloud-based platform for data to bring more transparency and effectiveness in finance, risk management, and investment decisions concerning ESG. The core principle of ‘the Hub’ is to pull data from public data sources and 3rd party data providers, and integrate them to internal data and systems, to service the entire group with ESG data and analytics.

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Philipp Chernenko Philipp Chernenko

Digital Twins of the Ocean and Data Interoperability

Our knowledge of the ocean remains fragmented, but prospects of a more comprehensive and accurate understanding have never been more promising. Digital twins, once created to operate independently, are increasingly designed to work together, or to "interoperate".

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